Mad Mimi

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  • How to Add Your 40Nuggets Leads to Mad Mimi

    Driving traffic to your website is one thing. But once it’s there, capitalizing on that traffic is a different thing entirely. That’s where our friends at 40Nuggets come in. 40Nuggets allows you to create perfectly timed “Nuggets”—intelligent messages presented to your site visitors exactly when you want them to be, designed to enhance your voice and encourage serious brand loyalty among otherwise anonymous browsers.

    By integrating Mad Mimi with 40Nuggets, you’ll be able to grab those leads and add them to your Mad Mimi audience, crafting an ongoing conversation and building an even more in-depth dialogue between you and your site visitors.

    Integrate Your Nuggets with Mad Mimi

    STEP 1: In your 40Nuggets Dashboard, navigate to the MY ACCOUNT page.

    STEP 2: Scroll down to the list of integrations, and choose Mad Mimi.

    STEP 3: Sign into your Mad Mimi account. In your Dashboard, navigate to the Account page.

    STEP 4: In the Settings & Billing section on the right sidebar, click the API tab. Copy the API key to your clipboard.

    Mad Mimi Settings

    STEP 5: Navigate back to your 40Nuggets dashboard. Enter your Mad Mimi username and API key. Click Connect.

    40Nuggets Settings

    You’ve now integrated your Mad Mimi account with 40Nuggets! Since you can choose to integrate different Nuggets with different platforms, you will now need to choose which Nuggets to pass along to your Mad Mimi audience. To configure individual Nuggets:

    1. Navigate to the Nuggets section of your dashboard.
    2. Create a new Nugget or edit an existing one.
    3. Proceed to the Configure step.
    4. Choose Integrations from the menu on the left.
    5. From the drop-down menu of integrations, select Mad Mimi. This will open another drop-down menu.
    6. Select the list within Mad Mimi where you would like lead data from this Nugget to be sent.
    7. Save your Nugget.

    40Nuggets Nuggets

    That’s it! With your Mad Mimi + 40Nuggets accounts integrated and your Nuggets customized, your 40Nuggets leads will be added to your Mad Mimi audience in real time.

    You can also watch this video to see a full demonstration of the Mad Mimi + 40Nuggets integration!

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