Mad Mimi

Nurse Mimi is here to help!

“Simple and Beautiful email marketing” — Mashable

  • How Do I Add New Contacts?

    You can easily add new contacts and import email lists into Mad Mimi via CSV file, Excel spreadsheets, VCF files or even simple copy and paste. It’s all right here in the Audience area!

    To Add New Contacts:

    Click on Add Contacts to reveal the import options.

    Add New Contacts button


    Choose your import method and list and click Add Contacts

    Options for adding new contacts and lists

    Remember, if you have any questions about your file formats, or would like us to help format your files for you, just email us at anytime!


    To Import a CSV, Excel or Vcard file:

    Click on Add Contacts, then follow these easy steps:

    importing many new email contacts
    1. Select the “Many at a time” tab
    2. Click browse and select the file on your computer. You’ll see the filename in the box
    3. Choose your list (If you skip this step, Mimi will add contacts to the “All” list only)
    4. Click Add Contacts


    Troubleshooting a file that is not importing:

    Here are some common reasons why folks have trouble importing:

    1) Email Column — It’s best practice to have this column as the first on your file. Title this column “email” – all lower case letters, no quotations. If it is titled “Email”, “E-mail” or any other variation, it will fail. Also, there should only be one “email” column as multiple email columns will confuse our system.

    2) Name Column — Title this column “firstname” – “lastname” accordingly — all lower case letters, no spaces, no quotations. The same rules apply for any other columns you have created. Also, refrain from using any special characters.

    3) Blank rows — Remove any blank or invalid rows under the “email” column or any other rows that do not have a valid email in place.

    4) Multiple tabs in the spreadsheet — If there are multiple tabs within the spreadsheet, it is best to reduce it to one tab or our system won’t be able to read it appropriately.

    5) Try saving as a CSV — If you have followed everything listed above and still experiencing issues, try saving your file as a new CSV by selecting “Save As…” under “File” through Excel. Doing this will remove any wonky formatting on your file that might be interfering.

    Here’s a good example of how your file should be formatted:












    To Import via Paste:

    1. Click on Add Contacts

    2. Copy what you need from your spreadsheet. Don’t forget your headers! For best results, make sure the column headings are all simple, one-word titles, like “email” and “firstname.”











    3. Paste in the paste box

















    4. Select your list and click the Add button.