Mad Mimi

Nurse Mimi is here to help!

“Simple and Beautiful email marketing” — Mashable

  • How Do I Change My Fonts?

    Your fonts are a part of your Style, so to change them, you’ll need to edit the Style you’re working in.

    To Change Font Styles:

      1. Go to the “Styles” tab on the right. The style that you’re using is highlighted in gray.
      2. Click on the pencil icon to edit the style, and select the “Text” tab.
      3. Choose which type of text you need to update. The currently used fonts are also displayed here.
      4. Click on the font name and you’ll see a list of email-friendly fonts to choose from. Choose a new font from the list to update it, or update the color, size, or alignment using the tools in that window.

    Once you’ve made your updates, be sure to click “Save” at the bottom of that window.