Mad Mimi

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  • What Does The SurveyMonkey Add On Do, How Do I Set It Up?

    The SurveyMonkey Add On integrates your SurveyMonkey account with Mimi. This means simple survey links for all! So, dive into the brains of your readers and soak up the feedback.


    To Set Up The SurveyMonkey Integration:

      1. Click on your Add Things menu
    add things


      1. Scroll down to enable the add on.

    SurveyMonkey, set it up

      1. Mimi asks you to quickly authorize. This step makes sure your SurveyMonkey and Mimi accounts can hear each other properly! If you need to sign up for a SurveyMonkey account, you do that here:

      1. Now that you’ve enabled the add on, onto the edit :) Every text module will include the option to insert a survey–just look for the SurveyMonkey icon.


    SurveyMonkey icon


      1. Click the icon and a menu of your available surveys appear for the choosing. (If you only have one survey created, Mimi will automatically use that option).
    Select your Survey


      1. Select your Survey and Mimi places a clickable link right in your text module! Feel free to edit the display text in the brackets, if you’d like.
    almost there


    1. Now you can access your surveys via the web preview, or emailed version of your promotion.


    Just click that link to land on your SurveyMonkey survey. Seamless!

    Survey Perfection!

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