Mad Mimi

Nurse Mimi is here to help!

“Simple and Beautiful email marketing” — Mashable

  • What Does The Clone Button Do?

    Clicking the clone button will allow you to create an exact duplicate of your existing promotion. This is helpful for when you want to use the same layout, but don’t want to start from scratch. This allows you to create a template to work from repeatedly.


    Once you choose the clone button, you’ll have the option to make a copy for your own account, or if you have a parent account with child accounts, you’ll be given the option to share a cloned copy with your child accounts.

    If you Clone the promotion inside your own account, then the Clone will appear at the top of your dashboard. It’ll have a number added to the title, and a Sheep icon on the top right, to indicate that this is the Cloned version:




    If you Clone the promotion into the Child Account, you’ll still be able to see it in your Dashboard, too. It’ll be labelled with the Child Account name, so that you know exactly where it ended up:
