Mad Mimi

Nurse Mimi is here to help!

“Simple and Beautiful email marketing” — Mashable

  • PayPal Buttons for Email Marketing, A How-To Guide

    PayPal  buttons are available for any PayPal user. Incorporate ecommerce  into your email marketing by adding  a buy now, or donate button directly to your email! Similar to embedding video content, it’s important to use the email-friendly method instead of embedding the full website button code.

    How To Generate Email Friendly PayPal Buttons:

    Log in to PayPal and choose the Merchant Services tab.

     Step 1 to finding your email friendly paypal button code

    Customize the PayPal button however you’d like. You can choose which type of button you need–like a Buy Now button or Donate button–and customize display for many other options.

    Click Create Button at the bottom of the page.

    There will be two sets of code provided. Make sure you choose the Email tab, then copy the code displayed in the box below. paypal button code displays here, get ready to paste it to Mad Mimi!

    Upload a PayPal button image to your email newsletter and paste the PayPal button code into the link area.  The process is similar to adding video content to your email newsletters. Preview your promotion to test the image click-through and you’re done :)

    Trouble Shooting:

    • I don’t see the email tab after creating my PayPal button, why isn’t it an option?

    Not all PayPal buttons fit well with email. If you’ve created a button with too many custom options (like a drop-down menu) the email option is not available. Why? Well, it’s similar to embedding media content. Most inboxes will strip the code from your message or see the code and interpret the email as spam. Just scale back for your email version of the button, you can still host the complex version of the button on your website.