Mad Mimi

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  • Save New SugarCRM Contacts as Mad Mimi Audience Members

    If you want to save new Mad Mimi audience members from new orders made on SugarCRM, you can do that using Zapier.

    You will need:


    1. Getting your accounts ready
    2. Connecting your accounts

    STEP 1: Getting Your Accounts Ready

    To connect your Mad Mimi account to Zapier, you must have an audience list. You can learn more about getting started with Mad Mimi on Zapier by clicking here.

    To link SugarCRM with Mad Mimi using Zapier, make sure you have created a dedicated admin account to use with Zapier. You can learn more about getting started with SugarCRM on Zapier by clicking here.

    Note: Mad Mimi requires an email address to create a member.

    STEP 2: Connecting Your Accounts

    Click here to save new SugarCRM contacts as Mad Mimi members.

    1. Connect with your SugarCRM account by providing your Install URL, Username, and Password. Click Yes, continue.

    Mimi SugarCRM 1

    2. Connect with your Mad Mimi account by providing your Username (the email address you use to log in) and API Key (found under the API tab on the right sidebar in your Account settings). Click Yes, continue.

    Mimi SugarCRM 2

    3. Select which Mad Mimi Audience List new members will be added to. Then, select which SugarCRM field will populate the new members’ records.

    4. Click Save + Finish! to complete the Zap.

    Now test the Zap to make sure it works. Once you’re satisfied with the results, you’re all set to collect Mad Mimi members from SugarCRM!

    Note: If you ever want to change this Mad Mimi and SugarCRM integration, just go to your Zapier dashboard and tweak anything you’d like.

    You can also check out all that’s possible with Mad Mimi on Zapier, and other ways to connect SugarCRM and Mad Mimi.