Mad Mimi

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  • Add a Facebook Share Link to Increase Exposure of your Newsletters

    The appeal of Facebook as an awesomely powerful marketing tool is no secret.

    The ability to reach so many people with a single post or have your contacts share your awesome post or promotion can potentially cause exponential exposure so I’d just like to share a fantastic tip that can help harness this potential.

    The simple Facebook “like” we all know and love so well is great, but in terms of reaching everyone’s friends it’s a bit limited so here’s something we think is really cool, that you can add to your promotion that will help get the good word out there!

    You can add this URL, with your Mad Mimi Share Link added to it, in order to give your audience a way to share your promotion, easily!<Mad Mimi Share Link>

    How Do I Add A Facebook Share Link to My Promotion?

    Once you have your promotion created, adding additional Facebook Share links, is easy! Follow these steps:

    1. Go to your Dashboard, and click on the “Share” button, underneath the promotion you’re working on. Copy that highlighted URL — that’s your Mad Mimi Share Link.

    click "Share" on Mad Mimi Dashboard to copy the promotion URL you need to create a Facebook share link

    In this example, our Share Link is

    2. Click “Edit” to go back into your promotion, to add the Facebook share link to your email.

    3. Type in whatever text you want to be your display for the link. Or you can add this Facebook Share Link to an image, if you’d like. In this example, we’ve used the text “Share this on Facebook!”. Highlight the text, and click on the link button under the text module.

    highlight text in Mad Mimi promotion text module and click link button underneath, to add Facebook Share Link URL

    4. Put the Facebook Share Link URL, plus your Mad Mimi Share Link, together, in the “Link to:” field:

    add Facebook Share Link full URL with the Mad Mimi Promotion URL to the Link To field

    In this example, the full URL to add to the “Link to:” field ends up looking like this:

    5. Click the orange “Save” button, and your link is ready for folks to Share all over Facebook.

    What Happens When Someone Clicks on the Facebook Share Link?

    When one of your recipients clicks on that Facebook Share Link, from in your email, they will be prompted to log into Facebook (unless they are, already), and they’ll see a normal Facebook “Share” dialogue:

    Facebook share screen when clicking on Facebook share link from Mad Mimi email


    1. They will be given options for where to share the promotion. This all depends on their group memberships and any business pages that they manage, but can include:

    • Share on their own timeline
    • Share on a friend’s timeline
    • Share with a group they are a member of
    • Share on a page they are a manager for

    2. Add some text to their own post, about the link to your promotion that they’re sharing.
    3. Click the blue button to “Share link”, and post the share on Facebook.

    Pro Tip:

    If you send a promotion and a contact shares it in this way, the subject line will be automatically added as a title.

    However, if you edit this promotion and send with a different subject line, the initial subject line will still appear as the title. In order to prevent this from happening, simply create a new promotion before sending, or better still, if you just need to make some minor edits to the template you created, just click the sheep icon on the dashboard so you can create a copy, edit it and send.